Faculty Evaluator List
Explore our Faculty Evaluator list to find the Faculty Evaluator for your program of interest. To receive an evaluation for a class, students must contact transfer credit and follow the process. The faculty evaluator will not evaluate classes sent directly to them (or outside this process). Classes are evaluated based on the content provided in the syllabus. Students must speak with their academic advisor after they are enrolled in classes to petition to have a course re-evaluated. Do not contact the evaluator directly if your class is marked as non-transferable. For new transfer credit and enrolled students, please contact transfercredit@northeastern.edu. For Study Abroad classes please contact geo@northeastern.edu.
Architecture** Mary Hale m.hale@northeastern.edu Communication Studies Angela Chin a.chin@northeastern.edu Interdisciplinary Studies – CAMD Tim Blank t.blank@northeastern.edu
Journalism Dan Kennedy
dan.kennedy@northeastern.edu Landscape Architecture Nicholas Brown nic.brown@northeastern.edu Media and Screen Studies Angela Chin a.chin@northeastern.edu Music Hubert Ho h.ho@northeastern.edu Theater Antonio Ocampo-Guzman a.ocampo-guzman@northeastern.edu Art+Design: Animation Jason Donati j.donati@northeastern.edu Art+Design: Art History Gloria Sutton g.sutton@northeastern.edu Art+Design: Experience Design Michael Arnold Mages
Sofie Bosch Gomezm.arnoldmages@northeastern.edu
s.bosch@northeastern.eduArt+design: Fundamentals (2D/3D/4D/5D) Sophia Ainslie
Skylar Borgstroms.ainslie@northeastern.edu
s.borgstrom@northeastern.eduArt+Design: Game Design Chris Barney
Art+Design: Graphic Design/Typography Todd Linkner
Art+Design: Interaction Design Sofie Hodara s.hodara@northeastern.edu Art+Design: Observational & Conceptual Drawing Sophia Ainslie s.ainslie@northeastern.edu Art+Design: Photography Dana Mueller d.mueller@northeastern.edu Art+Design: Studio Art Skylar Borgstrom s.borgstrom@northeastern.edu Art+Design: Video Arts David Tames d.tames@northeastern.edu -
African-American Studies Régine Michelle Jean-Charles r.jean-charles@northeastern.edu Anthropology Doreen Lee do.lee@northeastern.edu ASL-English Interpreting Rachel Berman-Koblarz r.berman-kobylarz@northeastern.edu Asian Studies Philip Thai p.thai@northeastern.edu Criminal Justice** Ekaterina Botchkovar e.botchkovar@northeastern.edu Cultures, Societies & Global Studies Amilcar Barreto a.barreto@northeastern.edu Economics Gustavo Vicentini g.vicentini@northeastern.edu Education Shaunna Harrington s.harrington@northeastern.edu English Laurie Nardone for all required writing courses l.nardone@northeastern.edu Eunsong Kim for lit, all other writing courses eun.kim@northeastern.edu History** Simon Rabinovitch s.rabinovitch@northeastern.edu Human Services Lori Gardinier l.gardinier@northeastern.edu Natalia Stone n.stone@northeastern.edu Interdisciplinary Studies – CSSH Laura Green la.green@northeastern.edu International Affairs Ioannis Livanis i.livanis@northeastern.edu Jewish Studies Lori Lefkovitz l.lefkovitz@northeastern.edu Latin American /Caribbean Studies Amilcar Barreto a.barreto@northeastern.edu Law and Public Policy Dan Urman d.urman@northeastern.edu Modern Languages**
PortugueseVanessa Wei
Stacey Bourns
Daniel Cuenca
Caroline Fuchs
Hua Dong
Rei Inouye
Vanessa Wei
Vanessa Wei
Vanessa Wei
Gina Maiellaro
Boris Yelinj.wei@northeastern.edu
b.yelin@northeastern.eduPhilosophy Jacob Stump jacob.stump@northeastern.edu Political Science Colin Brown colin.brown@northeastern.edu Religion Jung Lee ju.lee@northeastern.edu Sociology Gordana Rabrenovic g.rabrenovic@northeastern.edu Spanish Literary & Cultural Studies Daniel Cuenca d.cuenca@northeastern.edu Urban Studies Laura Green la.green@northeastern.edu Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Laura Green la.green@northeastern.edu -
Computer Science** Ian Gorton i.gorton@northeastern.edu Backup Evaluator Christo Wilson c.wilson@northeastern.edu -
Behavioral Neuroscience Courses should be sent to PSY Biology/Biochemistry Aaron Roth a.roth@northeastern.edu Chemistry Timothy Dransfield
t.dransfield@northeastern.edu Earth and Environmental Sciences Malcolm Hill m.hill@northeastern.edu Interdisciplinary Studies – COS Rachelle Reisberg r.reisberg@northeastern.edu Linguistics Adam Cooper a.cooper@northeastern.edu Mathematics (except discrete mathematics) Solomon Jekel s.jekel@northeastern.edu Physics Enrique Moreno
e.moreno@northeastern.edu Psychology William Sharp w.sharp@northeastern.edu -
Applied Psychology Laura Dudley l.dudley@northeastern.edu Health Science Annemarie Sullivan am.sullivan@northeastern.edu Nursing Janet Monagle ja.monagle@northeastern.edu Pharmacy Stephanie Sibicky s.sibicky@northeastern.edu Physical Therapy Eric Folmar e.folmar@northeastern.edu Communication Science and Disorders Sarah Young-Hong s.younghong@northeastern.edu Bouvé Backup Evaluator Jennifer Kirwin
Business – all courses Coleen Pantalone c.pantalone@northeastern.edu -
Engineering courses (all transfer courses and Study Abroad ONLY) Kelsey Johnson coeadvising@northeastern.edu